Efficiency vs Effectiveness

E f f i c i e n c y v s E f f e c t i v e n e s s


The rapid normalization of computer technology has raised efficiency to the forefront of every day business decisions. The average person now has the ability to automate tasks that just 15 years ago required an employee. Every day we see small businesses looking to increase their efficiency and go lean, but should this be their priority?

We’ve noticed that when companies strictly focus on efficiency they tend to lose some of the flair and uniqueness that made them so attractive to their loyal fans. Too often we see companies that design a popular product and then immediately re-focus their entire business to maximize solely on the one winner. 

Do you remember Axe body spray? So do we, and so does every teenage boy from the early 2000s, but what happened? How did a product and company so popular fall off a cliff? Axe did such a great job at marketing their one product that their entire raison d’être became to serve teenage boys. They did well, really well… for a while, until they didn’t. In their pursuit to dominate and squeeze every bit out of their marketing strategy, they ended up becoming associated with the smell of teenage boys – and unless you’re a gym sock, that’s gross. 

By heavily committing to a single product and driving focus into one strategy – one campaign – one idea, they failed to maintain an effective brand. Sure, they were efficient in selling that body spray for a few years, but what about now? Reports show that they have posted year-over-year declines in the cultural cachet department: something that an effective strategy can help prevent. Here at Robotica we believe in growth, but not cannibalistic growth, and certainly not growth that’s going to hinder your business’s long term reputation. 

We prefer to optimize your strategy by cutting down on excess while maintaining the core values that made your company a success in the first place! Maybe you always provide service with a smile, or perhaps you are known for being the fastest to get new products. Whatever your edge is, you don’t have to lose it to grow! In fact, we find that companies that can say “no, this is not for you” end up building lasting relationships and a die-hard loyal following. We will help you understand what it is that makes you stand out!